The Science of Summer
Summer is on the way and our team in the Dallas Arboretum Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden is eager to share some of the magic behind the season! Have you ever wondered how we decide when spring ends and summer begins? Rather than just the temperature, seasons change based on the length of days. As…

Four Nature Questions We Answered This January
If you’ve been following along with the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden on email and social media this winter, you know we’ve been sharing at-home winter activities every week to keep your kids thinking about nature! (And if you haven’t kept up with all the excitement, sign up for our email here, and follow us…

Autumn at the Arboretum Commemorates the Harvest Season
Why do we celebrate autumn with so much food and so many gatherings? It goes back to the harvest season. The crops, such as corn and squash, planted in spring and summer mature and become ripe for picking in autumn. In the United States and Canada, Thanksgiving is the major harvest festival, and we are…

Monarch Madness
The Dallas Arboretum has a case of Monarch Madness! Excitement is growing as Monarch Butterflies have begun visiting our beautiful gardens. In celebration of this amazing migration we are bringing you a whole month of Monarch butterfly programs and activities in the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden. You’re invited to come study butterfly wings, learn…

The Solar Eclipse in Dallas
Let’s talk about the August 21st, 2017 Solar Eclipse! For millennia, humans have found solar eclipses awe inspiring. When we knew very little about our solar system and the Earth’s position in it, humans viewed solar eclipses as supernatural occurrences, celestial miracles. Now, we appreciate solar eclipses as magnificent natural phenomena. Solar eclipses are even more…