Children’s Adventure Garden: Tornado Safety with Boy Scout William Duvall
Last winter, Boy Scout William Duvall reached out to the Dallas Arboretum’s education team with a desire to collaborate on his Eagle Scout project. William stated, “Presently, severe weather warning sirens are not consistent across DFW, therefore it can be confusing for kids and adults. I want my DFW community to understand what the warnings mean and…

STEM Careers in Focus: Alejandra Ramos Gómez
This week, we’re back with the second installment of our STEM Careers in Focus series. Director of Experience and Innovation Dustin Miller recently caught up with teacher, artist and activist Alejandra Ramos Gómez to chat about how she connects with kids and STEM. Dustin Miller (DM): Alejandra, we’ve known each other for a…

STEM Careers in Focus: Jungle Jordan
Our robust Children’s Adventure Garden programming often features both local and national STEM personalities for on-site events. During our closure, we’ve worked hard to keep you connected to our interactive content, and this week we bring an interview with Jordan Veasley, known by his masses of social media fans as Jungle Jordan. Our Director of…

Making Connections in the Children’s Adventure Garden
While our education programs are constantly changing with new content and offerings, the Dallas Arboretum is also fortunate to have a temporary exhibit space in the Children’s Adventure Garden, the Nature Wall. This space, composed of one-foot and two-foot square, backlit cubes, has been the home to dinosaur fossils, python skins, sand from around the…

What to Read Over the Holidays – Our Education Department’s Favorites
The final weeks of 2018 are an excellent opportunity to take advantage of extra time with family and to enjoy holiday events, and for educators, a great occasion to pick up a new book. This month, our education managers and director share their recent favorites with you – and they all include opportunities to connect…

The Science of Pumpkins
If you ask any of our teaching staff what program they have taught the most during their time in the education department, Pumpkin Circle is certainly at the top of their list. This classroom lab program has been around for years – and its popularity only continues to increase. In fact, we typically book both…

Dallas Arboretum Education Goes Global – To the Galápagos
Last month, the Dallas Arboretum Education department sent Program Specialist Marisol Rodriguez and Director of Education Dustin Miller to the Galápagos Islands. This was the second year that the pair visited the archipelago as part of the project Education for Sustainability in Galápagos. As leaders in informal learning in the DFW area, the Dallas Arboretum…

Get Cooking in Your Backyard This Summer with Solar Ovens
Each summer, hundreds of kids visit the Dallas Arboretum for summer camps, and one of the most popular camp activities each year is the construction of solar ovens. This year, our SciQuest campers will be constructing ovens, but with just a few dollars (or less) in supplies, you can entertain kids or students for hours…

Birds of a Feather … Build Nests Together!
Spring is just around the corner at the Arboretum, and many of our native birds are actively collecting nesting materials. While they are perfectly capable of finding their own supplies, there are fun ways that you can help them out and engage your students or families. Common Features of Nests While some birds, like…

The Bounty of Homeschool Education at the Dallas Arboretum
Homeschool programs have blossomed this fall at the Dallas Arboretum! We began offering group sessions for homeschool families in order provide them with enrichment opportunities a few years ago, and with our new approach to homeschool teaching we’ve seen enrollment in these programs increase by over 50% this year compared to 2016. Homeschool families joined…