Spring Break Camps in the Garden
Does your child suffer from Nature Deficit Disorder? Do they miss the enjoyment of being outdoors and exploring the wonders of the natural world? Breathing fresh air? Watching the birds migrating at White Rock Lake? Getting their hands dirty? Learning a new skill? Don’t have your child spend the week of spring break in front…

Spice, Flavor and More: Why Chile Peppers Should be a Staple Food
The fruit of Capsicum species—commonly referred to as chili, chilli, chiles, aji, paprika, capsicums, chile pepper or just peppers—is one the oldest vegetables known to man and is used in cuisine worldwide. History In 2007, a collaborative of scientists from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Central University of Venezuela and Colorado State University published an archeological…

Lunchtime Learning With Horticulture at the Dallas Arboretum
Spending a day at the Dallas Arboretum is a day well spent—surrounded by beautiful blooms while enjoying a picnic on one of our green lawns. But there’s more to the Dallas Arboretum than meets the eye, including amazing adult education classes on everything from flower arranging to photography. We asked Kaylee Decker, who teaches some…