STEM Careers in Focus: T’Noya Thompson
We are back with the sixth, and final, installment of our first STEM Careers in Focus series! Today’s interview by Dustin Miller, director of experience and innovation, features a conversation with international environmental educator, T’Noya Thompson. A long-time Texas resident, hailing from The Bahamas, T’Noya’s message is simple for young people interested in STEM careers:…

STEM Careers in Focus: Jungle Jordan
Our robust Children’s Adventure Garden programming often features both local and national STEM personalities for on-site events. During our closure, we’ve worked hard to keep you connected to our interactive content, and this week we bring an interview with Jordan Veasley, known by his masses of social media fans as Jungle Jordan. Our Director of…

Monarch Madness
The Dallas Arboretum has a case of Monarch Madness! Excitement is growing as Monarch Butterflies have begun visiting our beautiful gardens. In celebration of this amazing migration we are bringing you a whole month of Monarch butterfly programs and activities in the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden. You’re invited to come study butterfly wings, learn…

The Solar Eclipse in Dallas
Let’s talk about the August 21st, 2017 Solar Eclipse! For millennia, humans have found solar eclipses awe inspiring. When we knew very little about our solar system and the Earth’s position in it, humans viewed solar eclipses as supernatural occurrences, celestial miracles. Now, we appreciate solar eclipses as magnificent natural phenomena. Solar eclipses are even more…

Celebrate Earth Day in the Children’s Adventure Garden
It’s time to celebrate Mother Earth! The Dallas Arboretum, in collaboration with the smart folks from the School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), is hosting an assortment of activities in honor of Earth Day from 11AM to 2PM Saturday, April 18, at the Rory Meyer’s Children Adventure Garden. Visitors can…